Thursday, 3 May 2012

Illustration With A Social Conscience: Sketches and Thoughts

Whilst researching prostate cancer for my assignment, I found certain posters for the organisation Greenpeace. I really liked their use of natural colours and styles and decided to completely change my poster design. After originally planning to do a re-make of the KONY 2012 posters to Prostate Cancer awareness, it felt right to try something completely different with two greenpeace posters. I went on their website and had a look at a few of their current projects. One that stood out for me was " Logging" and inparticular "Rainforest Logging". I created this rough sketch of what I had in my mind and already began working on certain taglines such as:
> Logging Kills
> This is YOUR Earth
> Help us stop Rainforest Logging
>Your enviroment needs YOU

I then had an idea to use the little figures of men  I originally had planned for the "Prostate Cancer Posters" and turn hundreds of them into a figure of a tree. I believe this had a relevance to us as the audience and nature as one. Visually I wanted to convey ideas of "One-ness" and through this process of having nature, humanity and that particular aspect of trees as the same entity. From this idea I would be able to slant logging as a bad thing for it would be quite literally affecting "US" and would put certain visuals in the audiences mind. Both pictures were created for two different audiences.
One poster will have a more positive visual representation identifying more with focusing on "we are in this together" and "we can work together to stop logging". It will visually be brighter and will focus on bright colours like yellow's and greens. While the other poster will focus on negative aspects of logging such as visually showing the devastation that has already occured through Rainforest Logging. This will be shown as seen above through cut down trees darker colours and red strong text delivering the message.

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